Changes to sex offender ordinance worries parents

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors deferred action on a proposal to repeal a Riverside County ordinance restricting where convicted sex offenders can reside and loiter, directing county staff instead to modify the law so that some of its provisions can be preserved. Full Article

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California RSOL will continue to monitor the actions of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors to ensure that they act swiftly to repeal presence restrictions. If that does not occur, legal action will be taken.

Oh riverside…Know what should worry parents? The likelihood of their own children making a silly mistake and being ruined as a result. With the recent occurrences of sexting cases in this country parents should worry that their teen and preteens may get swept up in a child pornography sting operation or accidentally have a suggestive, erotic, or apparently sexually graphic photo be seen by someone with a sense of justice. Then if all goes according to plan that teen or preteen can expect a barrage of nasty life altering consequences.

I will let others voice the need for registry reform. I am about something more vital to the reduction and prevention of illegal activity, reducing the possibility of people wanting or feeling the need to break the law. Less offenders = less crime = less victims = forced reduction of law enforcement = money better spent elsewhere.

I have a feeling Jeff Stone is going to cost Riverside County attorney fees and court costs, etc. How can so many city counsels be so ignorant of the facts surrounding their unfounded fears about registrants? They are derelict in their duties and making poor choices because they don’t know what they are talking about.

Well; ignorance is a choice, and this is just one more instance where ignorance is going to co$t yet another group of citizens because their city counsel members are not basing their decisions on known facts. I still think Janice should raise her fees on principal; because what she is doing for America (even though said dummies just don’t get it) is worth higher fees and these ill informed dummies are asking for it anyways.

I wonder if Ms Moulton traveled here through a tear in the space time continuum from 1930s Nazi Germany where stripping citizens of their rights was considered a good thing. We all know, or should know this helped facilitate the creation of the concentration camps and many other bad things; very bad things. The fact that the law and civil rights for some citizens is drawing criticism from from parents is a bad sign that ignorance is still alive and well, and not getting any better.

Aww! does the question to prove I’m human have to be with numbers? It reminds me of school where I developed an intense dislike for even the simplest math equations. I still get headaches when I think of the algebra classes I had to attend!

Riverside County is a criminal regime that should be sued into oblivion. The only good criminal regime is a broke, ineffective criminal regime. Everyone should work hard to keep income and other resources away from these criminal regimes. Reduce their ability to harass families.

That riverside fails to see that we belong to a process of democracy …checks & balances to right the wrong ..they need to tell the public their next ‘sex’ crime will be at 95% or higher from people NOT on a registered list ..tell the public that riverside …your policy is deception.

The blurring and omission of facts and statistics regarding who is actually on parole or probation (or sentenced AFTER P83) is a key component of the rhetoric these people spew.

Most of these restrictions apply to a relatively small number of victims of the registry (from the article):

Under state law, a convicted sex offender must:

— obtain express permission from his or her parole agent before entering a park;
— not reside within 2,000 feet of a school;
— not enter a child daycare or adult residential care facility without first notifying the staff of his or her registration status…

This misinformation is key to the success (and glazed look of Stone(d) of these distortions which helps fuel fear and hate mongering. These officials always stay
as far away from DOC statistics to gain political advantage and continue this “one size fits all” calamity disguised as a law.

Soooo, parents are worried huh? Well, I guess that means that before these ordinances were passed that RSOs were running rampant in and about all these facilities, freely having their way with children. And, since these ordinances were passed, all that came to a screeching halt.

I remember when these ordinances were being passed here in OC. At least the law enforcement officials who testified before the various city councils were honest…or so it seems.
Because what i remember is that, time and time again, they would testify that they had NO particular problem with current RSOs (re)offending at these various venues. Some even reported having no sex crimes at all in these venues for many years past.

So, I wonder what the stats are in Riverside that have the parents so concerned?

If they really want to keep kids safe they should pass a law that specifically, by name of the relationship in the code, makes it a crime for a grandfather, father, uncle, brother, step-father or know friend of the family to molest kids. Since this is where most of the molestations come from.

Because then, as with the parks ban laws, the magic blanket of safety will fall over the children and the parents need never have to fear again.

First , I can completely understand how the parents feel. If I hear the word sex offender , I think of some rapist or child predator. The sad part is most aren’t ! It’s just due to lack of knowledge . Although , all police officers try and portray sex offenders or anyone convicted of a crime as America ‘s most wanted ! This is a clear example of why California needs to change it’s sex offender laws ! In summary , California has essentially sold the judicial system as bring incapable of rehabilitating first time offenders? Very sad

I also volunteer for prison ministries. Many felons coming out of prison can attend a 6 month program in almost a half way house setting. (Undergoing counseling ect). Once released, they are off of parole. I met individuals with offenses such as: attempted murder of a police officer , robbery , felon with a firearm? , gang related offenses and the list goes on and on? So, who poses a bigger threat? Or, I suggest the Riverside parents spend a day in court and observe some of the issues (probation violation/ parole violation/arrested while on bail/ 3rd probation violation and the list goes on and on). It’s very clear they aren’t educated on facts. I’m more afraid of police officers than some multiple Felons!

I haven’t heard of a way to tell who is going to commit the next sex crime. As far as I know there’s no gene for that. The best cure for sexual offending we already have. It is getting caught. Then the probability of re-offending goes way down. Most offenders heal themselves after that, if left alobe, with or without a registry, probably more so without, as a Washington study shows. All these other post offense “remedies” for sexual offending are static noise . If these parents are indeed wanting to reduce offending further, then the discussion has to hit home, where the vast majority of new offenses occur. How does the devaluing of women and children create an environment were some find it easy to cross over the line to abuse? What can be done before, if anything to save lives before the crime and then the extreme retaliation for the crime creates ever widening ripples of pain. How bout opening up the discussion and treating sexual addiction like any other mental ill– with science and a dose of compassion. Don’t know myself what the answer is, but park bans and residency restrictions are far from it.